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Shotokan Kata List and Description

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Shotokan is a form of karate that includes a number of katas. A kata is a sequence of movements that simulate combat against several opponents. Here’s a list of some of the most common Shotokan katas, with a brief description of each. However, it should be noted that descriptions may not be perfectly accurate, as katas are often interpreted in different ways.

  1. Heian Shodan (平安初段): First kata in shotokan, it means “peace and tranquillity”. It includes 21 movements and is designed for beginners.
  2. Heian Nidan (平安二段): The second of the Heian katas, it consists mainly of attacks and defenses while moving forwards and backwards.
  3. Heian Sandan (平安三段): Third of the five Heian kata, it focuses on hip movements and blocking techniques.
  4. Heian Yondan (平安四段): The fourth Heian kata, it comprises a variety of defense and attack techniques, including circular and linear movements.
  5. Heian Godan (平安五段): The last of the Heian katas, it features a combination of fast, dynamic movements and slow, controlled ones.
  6. Tekki Shodan (鉄騎初段): The first kata in the Tekki series, it focuses on hip movements and lateral attacks.
  7. Tekki Nidan (鉄騎二段): Second in the Tekki series, this kata focuses on close combat techniques.
  8. Tekki Sandan (鉄騎三段): Third in the Tekki series, this kata continues to focus on close combat techniques, but with an added degree of complexity.
  9. Bassai Dai (抜砦大): This kata is known for its powerful movements and includes techniques to break through the opponent’s defenses.
  10. Bassai Sho (抜砦小): A variant of Bassai Dai, it uses similar techniques but with more subtle variations.
  11. Kanku Dai (観空大): This is an advanced kata that begins with a skyward stance. It includes a wide range of techniques.
  12. Kanku Sho (観空小): A shorter version of Kanku Dai, but with more advanced techniques.
  13. Jion (慈恩): Kata with strong, vigorous movements, emphasizing breath control.
  14. Empi (燕飛): Also known as “flight of the eagle”, this is a dynamic, fast-paced kata involving spinning movements and jumps.
  15. Hangetsu (半月): Known for its slow, controlled movements, it emphasizes breathing and body tension.
  16. Gankaku (岩鶴): A kata that involves a lot of balance, representing a fight on rocky terrain.
  17. Jitte (十手): Kata dedicated to defense against several opponents, and in particular the use of the “juji-uke” technique.
  18. Sochin (壮鎮): Known for his use of the Fudo-dachi position (position of immobility) and powerful, stable movements.
  19. Nijushiho (二十四歩): A complex kata involving a range of attack and defense techniques.
  20. Gojushiho Dai (五十四歩大) : The longer of the “54 Steps” katas, it features intricate hand techniques.
  21. Gojushiho Sho (五十四歩小): Similar to Gojushiho Dai, but with more subtle and precise movements.
  22. Meikyo (明鏡): A kata that emphasizes cleaning and mirror striking techniques.
  23. Unsu (雲手): An advanced kata involving a variety of techniques, including jumps, rotations and sweeps.
  24. Chinte (珍手): A unique kata characterized by unusual movements, including eye strikes and kicks.
  25. Wankan (王冠): The shortest of all shotokan katas, characterized by its fluid, continuous movement.
  26. Ji’in (慈陰): This kata combines elements of Jion and Enpi, and is characterized by simple but strong movements.

It is recommended that you learn these katas under the supervision of a qualified instructor to ensure that the movements are performed correctly and safely.

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