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Eiichi Miyazato

Eiichi Miyazato

Eiichi Miyazato, born July 5, 1922 in Naha, Okinawa, and died December 11, 1999, was a world-renowned karate and jūdō grandmaster. He played an important role in the promotion and development of Goju-ryu karate, one of Okinawa’s main traditional styles.

Miyazato began practicing jūdō at the age of 13 and began training in karate under Chōjun Miyagi, the founder of Goju-ryu, at the age of 15. He quickly distinguished himself by his talent, dedication and hard work.

After the Second World War, Miyazato founded Jundokan, a dōjō dedicated to the teaching of Goju-ryu, in Naha in 1957. The Jundokan has become one of the most respected centers for the teaching of Goju-ryu, attracting students from all over the world.

As an instructor, Miyazato was renowned for his technical precision, his in-depth knowledge of Goju-ryu and his effective pedagogy. He has trained a large number of top-level karatekas, contributing to the spread of Goju-ryu throughout the world.

In addition to his work at the Jundokan, Miyazato also helped found the Okinawa Goju-ryu Karate-do Kyokai Association, an organization that promotes Goju-ryu and organizes competitions and training courses.

Miyazato also played a key role in the recognition of karate as an official sport in Okinawa. In 1960, he helped organize the first Okinawan karate tournament, an event that marked a milestone in the history of karate.

Miyazato passed away in 1999, but his legacy lives on. The Jundokan continues to be an important center for the teaching of Goju-ryu, and Miyazato’s influence can be seen in Goju-ryu karate practiced all over the world.

In summary, Eiichi Miyazato was a great karate and jūdō master, respected for his technical mastery, effective teaching and dedication to promoting Goju-ryu. His work has left an indelible mark on the history of karate, and his legacy continues to influence Goju-ryu karate worldwide.

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